Bystanders 2 Buyers
The person pictured above may not look like your typical prospect or fit your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), but he's likely as distracted and checked-out as the audience you're trying to reach.
Prospects vary. Marketing challenges remain consistent. Below are some ideas for how to cut through the noise in ways that turn bystanders into buyers.
Many B2Bs mistakenly view marketing as a nice-to-have versus a necessity. They see it as a luxury and an expense, instead of the investment that it really is. As an engineering company, Invata struggled with that throughout my tenure and subsequently for a good bit of my...
Ten or so years ago, you could get away with subpar marketing in warehouse automation and still do pretty well. The reason? Most of the companies providing warehouse automation were doing just that — subpar marketing. And they had no real motivation to do anything else, because their...
The buying process has shifted away from sales to marketing — at least in part. As a result, a large part of your company’s sales effort is being made before your sales team ever gets involved. Here’s why: Your buyers are doing a majority of their research online, long before...
Want to build your brand? Expand demand for your offerings? Increase revenue? It all hinges on writing. Think about it. Every service, product, idea, and concept your business hopes to share with your potential buyer will need to be conveyed primarily through writing of...
There’s a ton of advice on the internet about how writing should be “snackable” to meet the frenetic attention spans of the internet audience. The idea is to write all copy in bite sized portions so it’s easy to read. Nothing long. And certainly nothing nuanced....
Visuals, if used at all in B2B offerings, are typically an afterthought. Most people don’t think visuals matter. If anything they grab what’s handy without regard for the quality of the image, the readability of the table, or the clarity of the slide. People will get it, they think....
Marketing became really complicated over the last decade. So complicated that even career marketers found themselves scratching their heads. So much new technology. So many metrics. So many algorithms. And so many damn initializations: SEO, SER, SEM, SMM, ABM, MAP, PPC, CPC, CPL,...
Artificial intelligence is everywhere. So who needs humans anymore? Especially humans who spend their days thinking of creative ideas and crafting copy to back-up and communicate those ideas. With AI, you can do your company’s marketing yourself… at a fraction of the cost. Need a...
Marketers like hype. And every time you turn around, there seems to be some marketer hyping a new trend. The past decade, for example, has given birth to a host of “new” forms of marketing including digital marketing, data-driven marketing, performance marketing, and even attribution...
Real marketing success comes when all departments in a company speak the same language, share the same phrasing, and promote the same message to prospects and clients alike. But that only happens when company executives are on the same page in endorsing and continuously reinforcing...
I spent the better part of my tenure at Invata being unable to share any customer names or imagery from our installations with the general public. Proof points? What proof points? I had none. I had to find other ways to get prospects to our door without them. It was not...