Some of Our Past Work

WARNING: This is not your typical marketing portfolio. There are a lot of work samples on the page below, not because we couldn’t decide which to show and therefore chose them all, but because we believe a marketing portfolio should show more than just the best two selections from each company we worked for.

There is some of that here, to show our ability to work across industries and audiences, but there are also a lot of writing samples from one company. And we believe that’s the real strength behind this portfolio.

Real marketing success comes from the ability to continuously and creatively mine a brand for interesting, informative, and thoughtful content. Consistency matters in marketing. Building a brand takes time and a clarity of messaging that gets reiterated day after day, year over year through a range of marketing channels.

So below you will find a few cherry-picked one-offs for show, but mostly you’ll see a lot of examples of how to build a brand over time — because that’s what you need in the real world. And that’s where the marketing magic happens.

Corporate Branding

This video below was a corporate branding piece for Invata Intralogistics that never actually mentioned the company name in the script. Conceived, scripted, exec produced, and edited by Walter High.

Product Promotion

These Ideas@Work radio spots below were written and produced by Walter High for Harvard Business School Publishing. They aired nationally each day for three years and were available on the HBS website where they became the second most visited page on the HBS website behind the Dean’s address. Walter produced over 700 shows for Harvard. Voice Credit David O’Leary. Music by John Cook.  The Joe’s American spot was conceive, written and directed by Walter High.

3D Animation

Working with our in-house animators at Invata, we used animation to articulate solutions and promote robotics. The robotic arm animation was used as the header to our website Systems page and later used as a seasons greeting message on social media. Direction and concept for the robotic arm by Walter High, animation and artistry by Leandro M. Spallanzani. Dan Dervay animated the AMR  video with direction from Andrew Jbs and Walter High. High edited the videos.

Social Media Video

This video edited and mixed by Walter High to provide an artistic look at robotics at work in an industrial setting. The post was titled The Zen of Goods-to-Person Robotics Automation. (You can read the post below.)

Print Ads

The print ads below were conceived and written by Walter High.

Website Strategy, Direction, and Copy

This was the second iteration of the Invata website. The first, created in 2013, was SEO driven and served us well for 5 – 6 years. The second iteration simplified our messaging, controlled our narrative, and focused on our customer. Pages were designed to be long and walk prospects through a subject without a multitude of links to take them off message. The navigation was simple and clean and the copy was prospect focused. Copy and direction by Walter High. Coding and UX by Russell Moore.  

Blogs and Case Studies

These blogs and case study for Invata Intralogistics were all conceived reserached and written by Walter High. Photography and imagery creation by Walter High as well.

White Papers

These white papers for Invata Intralogistics were all conceived, reserached, and written by Walter High. Graphic design by Matt Keogh.

Social Media Posts

The LinkedIn posts in this gallery were created and written by Walter High for Invata Intralogistics.  Click on any post to read or download.


All the photography below was taken and Photoshopped by Walter High. Performers include Bruce Springsteen, Clarence Clemmons, Billy Joel, Charlie Daniels.